
We arrived at the Aire in Pamplona early afternoon, so after the usual emptying and filling of various tanks involving various substances, we headed off for a quick reckie around town.
The Aire is situated next to the fire station about 1.5 km from the town centre.
We headied off in the direction of the footpath that goes along the side of a river untill we realized that the town was way above us. Fortunately there is a passenger lift. The town is like any other in Spain,  but I think a little cleaner and better kept than most. The wide central pedestrian way has the usual mix of well known names and local shops and even though I don't like shopping centres I found the lack of traffic and the open feel very pleasant. Good first impressions.
Back to the van for the day and plan better for our next excursion.

Day 2.

Mirador del Caballo Blanco, good view over to the Pyrenees and a good vantage point to see the fortifications, again designed by Vauban. The view is spoit somewhat by the apartment blocks in the middle distance.

Cathedral de Santa Maria, reasonably impressive from the outside, unfortunately close today, Sunday.

Baluarte de Labrit, impresssive fortification with a tunnel underneath leading outside allegedly used by the king of Navarret to escape.

Fortifications, the walk around the fortifications is very pleasant, shaded by the trees and on well maintained pathways. A credit to the town.

The Citadel,  very impressive fortifications and, once inside, a very pleasant tree shaded park. It amazes me that such immense earth and stonework were created by men with little more than picks and shovels and the effort and ingenuity that has gone into the construction of such edifices purely for defence.

The walk back to the van was through the park, once again pleasant and tree shaded which was a relief as it is getting close to 30°C now.
Back at the van for a late lunch and shade for the afternoon.
Arnedillo tomorrow.


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